Leila Miller

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Satanic ritual abuse and its cover-up. Why Bishop McElroy should never become a Cardinal

In 2010, Rachel Mastrogiacomo was raped in multiple acts of satanic ritual abuse by a Catholic priest, Jacob Bertrand, in the context of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. These vile acts of sacrilege and sexual violation occurred following many months of Bertrand’s grooming and brainwashing of the devout 23-year-old woman, who met her abuser when she was discerning her vocation in Rome. After identifying Rachel’s innocence, confirming her virginity, and exploiting her naiveté and religious zeal, Bertrand knew he had the perfect victim.

In a rare case of at least partial justice, Rachel’s satanic abuser was eventually criminally convicted after a plea agreement, and he is currently serving a 10-year probation. He has been laicized by the Church for his crimes.

Rachel and I have talked at length in recent days, and she has shared things that I never thought I would hear in my lifetime, and that are too disturbing to write on a blog. However, as anyone who has been paying attention must suspect, her story is only the tip of the iceberg of depravity that exists in the underbelly (and the hierarchy) of the Church, perpetuated to this day by infiltrators who seek to harm, rape, pillage, pervert, and ultimately destroy Christ’s Bride. None of what happened to Rachel happened in isolation. Too many people were connected, too many had knowledge, and too many were—and are—complicit in these demonic plans and actions.

Does it seem too far-fetched to be real? Only if one is still in denial. The Summer of Shame (2018) ended with one kingpin/kingmaker, ex-Cardinal McCarrick, thrown under the bus, and one more, Cardinal Wuerl, leaving the scene in disgrace. But it was a neat trick, because all the other members of the club of destroyers are still firmly in charge, and still making the kings. The Church in America is headed by the lavender mafia (the deep Church), who are still firmly entrenched and running the joint, making sure that their guys are moved up the ladder to positions of power.

I would love to do a full-fledged interview with Rachel, but in the interest of time, Rachel and I decided that, for now, the quickest way to get the word out that Bishop McElroy should never be allowed to receive the red hat of Cardinal (slated to be given on August 22—just weeks away) is to share the many links to her story. Readers need to understand the severity of the issue and McElroy’s part in the cover-up of her abuser’s crimes. She and I are under no illusion that anything we or others expose to the public will stop McElroy’s ascent, but that doesn’t negate our obligation to try. The obligation to speak the truth in matters of grave sin and scandal remains, despite the almost certain knowledge that the (temporal) outcome will not be changed.

So, for those who care about the Church, and about fidelity to the Lord who willingly shed every drop of His precious Blood for our salvation, we ask you to learn and expose the ugly truth in an attempt to cleanse and heal. It might take some time to go through, but here are links to Rachel’s story—a story that implicates Bishop McElroy as an enabler to this satanic nightmare. And let’s be clear: this is not the first time that McElroy has been accused of covering up or ignoring sexual abuse by priests and bishops. It is mind-boggling that anyone with such a disturbing track record should be given charge over the temporal and spiritual needs of the faithful. Not only should McElroy not be elevated to Cardinal, he should not even be a bishop. One can only speculate why he has so quickly and easily been promoted in the Church.

Take a breath and dive in….

For the nuts and bolts of Rachel’s story:

Lay woman’s saga illustrates clerical sexual abuse of adults

A Wall Street Journal article that drives home the cover-up of Rachel’s case by the San Diego diocese under Bishop McElroy’s leadership:

Stopping the priests who prey on adults

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse of The Ruth Institute interviewed Rachel:

Dr. Janet Smith’s recent interview with Rachel:

What the McElroy appointment says about the Church’s commitment to sex abuse victims

From Msgr. Gene Thomas Gomulka:

Corrupt Cardinal, corrupt pontificate

A shock to abuse victims

Parts One and Two of Rachel’s interview with Patrick Coffin:

Stop the McElroy elevation (Part One)

Stop the McElroy elevation (Part Two)

And Rachel’s recent interview with Tim Gordon:

And finally, a word from Rachel that was on her Facebook page:

If you have a problem with U.S. bishops like McElroy who are documented to have covered up sexual predation in the Church, then I encourage you to write him and recommend that he decline the offer of being made a cardinal on August 27, 2022. I believe he ought to retire to a life of prayer and penance. Please help me take a stand against this vile promotion, for this is corruption at its absolute finest.

Most Rev. Robert McElroy
Diocesan Pastoral Center
3888 Paducah Drive
San Diego, CA 92117