
About the Author

Leila Miller is a Catholic writer and author whose passion is Church teaching on marriage, family, human sexuality, and—well, pretty much all moral issues. She also loves to discuss culture, society, and politics, and generally from a conservative perspective. She has published four books: Primal Loss: The Now-Adult Children of Divorce Speak; Raising Chaste Catholic Men: Practical Advice, Mom to Mom; Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today’s Tough Moral Issues (co-authored with Trent Horn of Catholic Answers); and her latest, “Impossible” Marriages Redeemed: They Didn’t End the Story in the Middle.

Leila’s first blog, Little Catholic Bubble was a hub of good conversation and reasoned debates, and though it’s been retired after eight years, it remains online as an archive.

Leila and her husband of 34 years live in Phoenix, where they are still raising the youngest of their eight children (two girls and six boys, ages 33 to 14). They currently have 14 born grandchildren and two more in utero, and still can’t believe what’s happened to them these past three decades, considering how it all started. God is so very good and merciful!

Click here to contact Leila.

For Leila’s facebook page, go here.