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Leila Miller

Leila is the author of Raising Chaste Catholic Men: Practical Advice, Mom to Mom. In addition to her own blog, she is a contributor to Catholic Answers Magazine Online. Leila and her husband have eight children and several grandchildren. 

Why I am voting for Trump (again)

Why I am voting for Trump (again)

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President Trump at an October 19 rally in my hometown of Tucson, AZ!
Photo credit: Rebecca Sasnett / Arizona Daily Star

When I wrote the following post four years ago on my old blog, I was secure in my decision to vote for Donald Trump. Previous to that, though, I was not a Trump fan at all. I had voted for Marco Rubio in the primary, and had even made fun of Trump on my facebook page. But by October 4, 2016, I had made a firm choice for Trump and was ready to back it up with specifics:

Why Trump will get my vote

That post had over 200,000 views and was recommended 25,000 times. For my little blog, those were big numbers!

Fast forward four years, to the crazy of 2020. None of us could have imagined a year like this. We used to half-joke about Democrats being socialists and about communism being at our door, but no one’s joking anymore. So sobering are the dangers of the left that many who held their noses and voted for Trump last time are proclaiming that they would crawl over broken glass to cast their vote for him this time. I understand that sentiment. The stakes have never been higher.

I want to revisit some of my reasoning from the 2016 article, but with a change of names, from Hillary Clinton to Joe Biden. Here are the main points:

For me it's very simple. I vote policy. This is politics. Biden's policy positions are diametrically opposed to all that I believe and hold dear. Trump's are much more in line with my own. Read his policy position statements, read the Republican Party Platform and compare it to the Democrat Party Platform.

Let’s talk about legalized child murder. Last time around, Trump was declaring himself pro-life (which means ANTI-ABORTION, by the way), but no one knew for sure. He has since proven himself to be pro-life in action, not just word, and he has more than kept his promises to the pro-life community. For this alone, he deserves re-election.

Trump is not determined to take away religious freedom and conscience rights of Catholics. Note well the newer parts of the Democratic Platform, and see the rapid progression of Biden’s party in actively working to erode religious liberties and conscience rights. A Biden (or should we say “Harris”?) administration will stand firmly for this inverted, perverted view of "religious freedom" that means Catholic teaching is bigoted discrimination that will not be tolerated. Meanwhile, the Trump administration has actively, forcefully fought for the conscience rights of Christians.

While we often think of the impact that elections will have on the Supreme Court, we tend to forget that all federal judges, hundreds of them, will be ruling our lives for decades to come, long after any current president is gone. President Trump has appointed approximately 200 (of the almost 800) federal judges so far—conservative judges. And don’t forget about a president’s Cabinet, which includes the the Secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veterans Affairs, and the Attorney General. Think about the power of these Cabinet heads! Should Biden-Harris be elected (God forbid), every last one of those Cabinet heads will be of a radical leftist mindset—pro-abortion, pro-homosexual and gender ideology, pro-critical race theory, pro-identity politics, pro-Marxist BLM and Antifa, and against the conscience rights of Catholics.

Far from being a dictator who consolidates central authority (as Biden and Democrats desire), Trump wants smaller central government—which means less government interference in the lives of regular Americans. In other words, Trump and his people are more in line with the Catholic principle of subsidiarity, which is a subject Catholics don't tend to know about, but should. President Trump has also significantly rolled back onerous federal regulations and red tape on citizens and businesses.

There is much talk about Trump being a jerk, or a horrible man. He certainly can be a blustering blowhard, as I've mentioned many times. So were many of our presidents. So are many of our relatives (if you are Mediterranean/Middle Eastern like me!), and that doesn't reflexively mean they are politically wrong or evil. Some of the blowhards in my life are near and dear to me, and they would never "blow up the world" because of that temperament (in fact, Trump has not only not gotten us involved in international war/military conflict, he has brokered historic peace deals in the Middle East). I'd vote for a blusterer long before I would vote for a (publicly) calm but interiorly sinister person. The devil comes as an angel of light. By the way, I have actually never seen a Catholic voter guide discussing whether or not a candidate is a jerk. Instead, Catholic voter guides talk about policy.

And let’s be honest: If using a slur or a bad word is enough to disqualify a presidential candidate, then Catholics pretty much can't vote for anyone, ever. In fact, no one but an actual saint (I’m not exaggerating) can run for office. I don’t require a saint, or even a Catholic (especially not an apostate Catholic like Joe Biden), to assume the duties of the president.

Finally, if anything characterizes this election season, it’s LIES—from the elite ruling class of the “mainstream” media, academia, the social media giants, Hollywood, the arts, corporate America, major league sports, etc. All of whom align with the Democrats. I will leave you with the following article that provides facts and links debunking the never-ending lies that are told regularly about Donald Trump, such as: “Trump put kids in cages,” “Trump didn't pay taxes,” “Trump is a racist,” “Trump didn’t denounce white supremacists,” “Trump is a dictator,” “Trump called Covid a hoax,” etc. The facts, evidence, and proof are there for those who have eyes to see. And as you read the truth against all the lies, remember that Satan is the Father of Lies:

Blowing apart a dozen myths about President Trump

Please dedicate yourself to praying the rosary daily for this election and for our nation, and consider fasting at points during the week leading up to November 3rd. May God bless and have mercy on the United States of America! Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of the United States of America, pray for us!

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