Leila Miller

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Catholic politicians, abortion genocide, and the Holy Eucharist

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

This is a bit stream-of-consciousness, but on the topic of pro-abortion Catholic politicians receiving Holy Communion, let’s dive right in.

Abortion is genocide.

Abortion is the systematic, targeted, large-scale killing of an entire group or class of human beings.

If we are not sufficiently horrified by this genocide of the youngest humans, let’s do a thought experiment and get some perspective. (Biden-voting Catholics, I especially want you to follow and comment.)

I have a fifth-grader, and maybe you do, too. Let’s pretend that there is no law protecting fifth-graders in America from willful murder. Not a single law in place that acknowledges their humanity or their right to be and stay alive. These millions of kids will be safe in a year or so, when they’ll be under the law that protects all other humans, but not yet. For these months of fifth grade, it’s open season, with no legal consequences to the killers.

Now, let’s say that a major political party (let’s call them “Democrats”) has at the top of its priorities the unwavering commitment to the legal killing of these youngsters, to the point of literal celebration. It’s the hill they’ll choose to die on (no pun intended, since they aren’t the ones dying). Their commitment to allowing the slaughter is so profoundly held that it’s like a religious tenet. In this party, any potential candidate will never be funded or win a primary race if he doesn’t enthusiastically, militantly, and religiously support even the most gruesome of these fifth-grader killings.

It really is hard to imagine, and we all know that if this were an actual scenario, and if thousands of our ten- and eleven-year-olds were being violently executed daily, no American with a working heart or conscience could even look upon the faces of those who championed the law, much less vote them into offices of power. Frankly, they’d be in prison for life. But let’s continue….

Imagine that there is a Catholic politician, one who openly touts his “devout faith,” and yet who openly, resolutely, manifestly promotes and secures the legal murders of these fifth-graders—millions of these boys and girls, innocent and dead. Somehow, this genocidal maniac (an accurate term, no?) gets voted into high office—even the highest office—by other Catholics. Now imagine that this politician routinely presents himself at the altar of God for Holy Communion.

What do the Catholic bishops do?

Well, it’s a no-brainer, of course. We all understand that there is no way on God’s green earth that an open promoter of child genocide would be permitted to defile Our Lord by receiving the Eucharist at Mass. No bishop, save the spiritual descendants of Judas, would dare to allow it. He would not even think of it, as the consequences for the eternal soul (both his and the politician’s) would be far too dreadful. As St. Paul said (in a verse which has been inexplicably dropped from all cycles of the Novus Ordo Mass):

Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord. (1 Corinthians 11:27)

Any bishop—indeed, any faithful Catholic—should quake at the words.

My question to “progressive” Catholics: Is there any scenario under Heaven that could confirm your vote for a candidate who willfully leaves fifth-graders unprotected by law, and openly celebrates the “right” of others to slaughter them by the millions? It’s rhetorical, of course, because there is nothing on earth that could convince you to vote for such a monster.

Let’s pivot to abortion.

With legal abortion, we have a situation that is morally the same as the open slaughter of fifth graders. There is no difference, objectively. To assuage the conscience, one must convince oneself that the unborn are not truly human and made in the image and likeness of God. If one does know that the unborn are fully human but votes for the genocidal maniac anyway, then one must simply not care about the slaughter of those children. Either position is untenable.

Meanwhile, back at the USCCB ranch, pondering what to do about the flaming scandal of a pro-abortion Catholic president (Biden) taking Communion, our cadre of highly ineffective US bishops (minus the 61 Judases who voted “no” or abstained) committed to…draft a letter. Yes, a letter. A committee will type some words. But the bishops will be naming no names, of course, because that might make the bishops and the pro-abortion Catholic politicians (and the Catholics who voted for them) feel uncomfortable. And we simply cannot have that. Because that would be mean. And very important people would be mad at them.

Anywhoo, we may presently expect a “teaching document” from our shepherds that explains what all little Catholic children used to learn in their catechism classes: Those in mortal sin may not receive the Eucharist. And, as canon 915 says clearly, those “obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion.” Is this hard to understand? No, it’s not. It’s super-dee-duper easy to understand. Ask your seven-year-old for clarity if you are still confused.

We should expect nothing to come from the bishops’ weak action. Much like the sex abuse scandals and the Summer of Shame, there will be no remorse or repentance or real change from the bishops themselves on this issue, nor will there be repentance or change from the pro-abortion politicians, who (like so many Catholic voters who handed them their power) will simply rage and dig in their heels.

Let’s move to those arguments by “progressive” BLM-Marxist Catholics, those defending Biden, Pelosi, et al., who whine from their depths, “Why do fetus lives matter more than other lives?” The obvious answer is: They don’t. The lives of unborn persons are equal to the value of all other human lives on the planet. The question that should be turned back onto the questioners is: “Why do unborn, fetal lives matter less than other lives?” Fetal lives are the only human lives that have no legal protections. They are the only human lives that are not legally counted as human. That is the inequity. That is the difference we should be talking about. Thousands of unborn humans legally targeted and murdered daily, by appointment, for money, with no defense, no due process, no recourse, no justice. So, it’s not that the unborn children “matter more,” it’s that they don’t matter at all.

Every Catholic pro-abortion politician is a purveyor of genocide. Every Catholic who voted for these genocidal politicians is culpable for those votes. Every Catholic bishop who is too timid (or unbelieving) to deny these genocidal politicians Holy Communion is not worthy of his office and has a fearsome reckoning.

This is not rocket science or brain surgery. This simply requires a smidgen of reason, a modicum of faith, and a little bit of manly courage—attributes sadly lacking in our political and ecclesiastical “leaders.”

My fellow Catholics and lovers of Christ, we have to call it out. We have to speak the truth plainly, and even bluntly. If we do not, there will be literal hell to pay.